Community Building
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CircleWays – Film Download
CircleWays - Journey to Next Culture
Are there alternatives to social solitude in our modern culture? Are there other ways in which we can come together as human beings? Is it possible to align our coexistence and togetherness with values such as connectedness, mindfulness and co-creativity?
We have set out across Europe to find answers. We learnt from ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples as well as from modern knowledge of psychology, neurobiology and experimental community laboratories. This film is (not) a documentary, but a way of living. A journey along ancient paths into a new culture.
Charles Eisenstein, Manitonquat, Gerald Hüther, Clinton Callahan, Gabriele Seils, Barbara Strauch and many more.
Playtime: approx. 75 minutes
Format: mp4

CircleWays – Film DVD
CircleWays - Journey to Next Culture
Are there alternatives to social solitude in our modern culture? Are there other ways in which we can come together as human beings? Is it possible to align our coexistence and togetherness with values such as connectedness, mindfulness and co-creativity?
We have set out across Europe to find answers. We learnt from ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples as well as from modern knowledge of psychology, neurobiology and experimental community laboratories. This film is (not) a documentary, but a way of living. A journey along ancient paths into a new culture.
Charles Eisenstein, Manitonquat, Gerald Hüther, Clinton Callahan, Gabriele Seils, Barbara Strauch and many more.
Playtime: approx. 75 minutes
Format: DVD

CircleWays – Film + Manitonquat Workshops Download
CircleWays - Journey to Next Culture
Are there alternatives to social solitude in our modern culture? Are there other ways in which we can come together as human beings? Is it possible to align our coexistence and togetherness with values such as connectedness, mindfulness and co-creativity?
We have set out across Europe to find answers. We learnt from ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples as well as from modern knowledge of psychology, neurobiology and experimental community laboratories. This film is (not) a documentary, but a way of living. A journey along ancient paths into a new culture.
Charles Eisenstein, Manitonquat, Gerald Hüther, Clinton Callahan, Gabriele Seils, Barbara Strauch and many more.
Includes 4 workshops of Supportive Listening by Manitonquat and Ellika.
Playtime: approx. 75 minutes + more than 3 hours of workshops
Format: mp4

CircleWays – Standard complete edition DVD’s
CircleWays - Journey to Next Culture
Are there alternatives to social solitude in our modern culture? Are there other ways in which we can come together as human beings? Is it possible to align our coexistence and togetherness with values such as connectedness, mindfulness and co-creativity?
We have set out across Europe to find answers. We learnt from ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples as well as from modern knowledge of psychology, neurobiology and experimental community laboratories. This film is (not) a documentary, but a way of living. A journey along ancient paths into a new culture.
Charles Eisenstein, Manitonquat, Gerald Hüther, Clinton Callahan, Gabriele Seils, Barbara Strauch and many more.
- 4 workshops of Supportive Listening by Manitonquat and Ellika
- The CircleWay Film O.S.T. - Soundtrack
- Film poster